The Halal Forensic Science Laboratory (HAFOLAB)

Analysis Service

1. Gelatin contamination test

Gelatin (Colorometry : AOAC 990.26 and FTIR :In house method)

Gelatin: to analyse gelatin in food products such as, snacks, candies, jellies, marshmallow, ice-cream, milk and products from milk, fruit juices and flavoured drinks, seasoning sauces, salad cream, mayonnaise, products from meat, meatball, sausages, and other products.

2. Fatty acid profile test

Fatty Acid Profile (GC/MS-MS ,GC-FID, Lepage G and Roy : CC 1984, 1986)

Fatty Acid Profile: to analyse type and ratio of fatty acid in products which contain oil or fat which are oil, milk and processed products from milk, meat and products from meat, snacks, seasoning sauces, mayonnaise, salad cream, powdered soup, curry paste, chili paste, canned food, instant noodle, and other products that contain oil. This service also includes the analysis of blood plasma and red blood cell.

3. Ethyl Alcohol test

Alcohol (GLC: AOAC973.23)

Ethyl Alcohol: to analyse the amount of alcohol in food products such as, fruit juices and drinks, synthesized food flavours and colors, sauces, seasoning sauces, energy drinks and other products

4. Swine DNA contamination in food and biological specimens test

DNA (Real-Time PCR : In house method)

DNA: to analyse the DNA of pigs in food products that are made from meat such as, sausages and meatball.

5. Polar compound test

Polar compounds (Mini column: AOAC 982.)

to analyse polar compound in food products such as, fresh cooking oil and used cooking oil.

6. Pig’s collagen contamination in food and biological specimens

Porchine collagen (Liquid Chromatograph Coupled with Quadrupole Linear lon Trap Mass Spectrometer(LC-QTRAP-MS/MS)/Electrospray lon Trap Mass Spectrometer (LC-lon Trap-MS/MS))

7. Glyceral test

Glycerol (Fourier Transform infrared Spectroscopy)

8. Heavy metal test

Heavy metals (ICP-AES : AOAC 984.27)

During 2004-2023, 313 national and international students from 30 universities received training at our HAFOLAB. A total of 391 individuals completed the short curriculum Halal Forensic Laboratory training program, consisting of 269 participants from Thailand and 122 international scientists. In addition, there are 193,576 raw materials and products (Figure 2) that have been analyzed by the laboratory. The analysis has the following details:

  1. 41,971 gelatin analysis (21.68%)
  2. 54,339 fatty acid profile analysis (28.07%)
  3. 56,544 alcohol content analysis (29.21%)
  4. 35,590 DNA analysis (18.39%)
  5. 5,023 Polar analysis (2.59%)
  6. 109 Halal forensic document analysis (0.06%)

Figure 2: Distribution of laboratory analyses – Percentage of different types of analyses conducted at the HAFOLAB

Steps required for requesting sample testing services.

1. Fill important

Online Form

2. Deliver raw material and product

3. Pay for the service

4. Check status

5. Receive a copy of the service request

6. Inquired for test result

02-2181-054 ext 115, 124

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